
Scoliosis is most commonly perceived as a sideways curvature of the spine. Although, in reality, it is much more complex. Scoliosis is not a curve as much as it is a three-dimensional “coiling” of the spine.
Scoliosis is most common in adolescent females. This disease is a genetic condition that often tends to runs in families. When experiencing scoliosis, the curve is commonly in the upper back. The patient may have one hip higher than the other, and frequently one shoulder blade appears more prominent than the other. Small curves typically cause no pain.

Scoliosis Treatment

90% of scoliosis cases are moderate and do not require any type of treatment or intervention, except for recurring observation by a doctor every 4 to 6 months (in most cases) until the patient reaches his/her full skeletal growth.

Non-Surgical Treatment:

Bracing is the only non-surgical treatment option proven to reduce the progression of a scoliotic curve. A spine curve brace is frequently prescribed by most physicians as a first treatment option. Back braces customized for the specific curvature of the patient’s scoliosis are used to attempt to restrain the curve during the growth years.

Surgical Treatment:

If the patient’s scoliotic curve meets certain criteria, and the bracing treatment didn’t help improving or to delay the condition, a spine surgery procedure may be prescribed. Spinal Fusion is a surgical procedure where two or more adjacent vertebrae are fused, thus forming a solid bone that no longer moves. Spinal Fusion is performed through the insertion of pedicle screws and hooks at various points in the spine in conjunction with rods in order to straighten the spine curve. The rods are then locked in position and a bone graft is applied to create a fusion, to prevent further curve progression.